I'm on a roller coaster
not a metaphorical, poetic one
I'm on a real roller coaster
I'm on the Thunder Bolt
and I think I'm going to die
I hear the springs exhale and tighten
as if counting down to the
Challenger Space Launch
rusty bolts click into place
while I evaluate my life choices
adrenaline spews into my body
and electrocutes my soul
my brain sends a flutter of images
I pause on your face
it seems like the last thing I ever see
will be you
up we go
it's the first time I've ever seen you
5th grade, blue eyes, blonde hair
a man on the ride starts to laugh nervously
you and I become best friends
I can see the point of death in view
90 degree turn and down!
my seat jumps violently
my vision is scattered
I think I'm going to die
everything is coming so fast
birthday parties, best friends, school
sleepovers, homework, together
all the time, never apart
stomach is rising into throat
zoom! we dip down and shoot up again
life is changing
we move apart. farther. farther.
track is ending. no more track
turn! we miss a wall by an inch
everybody's heads snap to the left
we made it! we are alive!
not for long
we are going up again
up. walk home together
up. best friends forever
down! tilted to one side vertical!
shooting down. faster! faster!
forgetting, losing, boys,
grades, life, drama
down! eyes closed. can't think
heart pounding. hurts. AHHHH!
zoom! launching to the left
zoom! right! zoom! left! zoom!
twisting, turning,
lots of burning
slowing down.
smiles. puppy. summer.
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