Sunday, August 25, 2013

From the Inside

you have me in a choke hold
hands pushing deeper into my skin
leaving fingerprints as if I were clay
I tell myself I’m being controlled
but I’m not so sure today

you’ve gotten deep into my heart
at the perfect place to rip me apart
from the inside
one day, a few years ago
you came as my hero and
saved me from the unknown

it’s hard for me to turn from you
because I feel like I owe you my life
for helping to pull me through
what I didn’t think I could take
I don’t think you mean to hurt me
but you cut through me like a knife
from the inside

you mean well, I know you do
but when I see you with your friends
I die a little from the inside
because I need you
you make me and you break me
but I need you from the inside

I need you to myself, all the time
because without you, my rhymes don’t rhyme
but you seem so much happier with them
I was once told that if you truly
care about someone, set them free
if they come back, they’re yours
if they don’t, they never were

so maybe, no matter what it does to me
I should let you go
because I want you to be free
I know we said best friends forever
well, not actually out loud
but from the inside, we did

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