Friday, March 4, 2016

4.003 grams

incest, assault, molested… MOLEsted
there are 4.003 grams
in one mole of Helium
Helium is a noble gas
it does not react easily to other elements
Helium floats in air
because it is less dense than
oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitro-
when it happened
I wanted to float away
become less dense than
the air around me
adopt the principles of a noble gas
not react easily, inert
let it happen because this too will pass
colorless, odorless, non-toxic
no one knows it’s there
no one knew I was there either
maybe Helium & I have more
in common than we know
silent. distant.
can’t let anybody/electrons in
I meant to say electrons
Helium can’t let any electrons in
there’s no room
Helium still has its past packed away
in moving boxes that don’t move
taking up space in the living room
Helium doesn’t need anyone anyway
Helium’s too full.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Dear Writer of My Life Story

Personify me
Put some human-like qualities
to the tone of this body

Hyperbolize this soul
Add some exclamation points
make feelings times ten
I’m tired of this numbness

Put some alliteration
to make up this mix
set me to a beat
give me a rhythm to dance to

Add some symbols
turn this pain to scars already
I’m done writing poems
about fresh cuts

It’s easier to tell stories
about what’s already healed
I would tell my story, dear author
this masterpiece you’ve worked so hard on
my life.